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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Your divorce is final. Now, your friends are telling you that it’s time to start dating again. You want to attract Mr. or Mrs. Right.

You might wish to check the following Inventory List to ensure that you are doing what you have to do, to achieve your goal.
  • You are emotionally stable. You have made peace with your history and are comfortable with who and what you are.
  • You have no chemical addictions which could impede your clarify of thought and action.
  • You have made a list of the ingredients of your perfect mate. Itemize those qualities that are a priority, and qualities that are of lesser importance.
  • Evaluate the demands of your life. Consider how a new mate is going to fit into your life, and any considerations that are relevant.
  • Evaluate your person and what you have to offer. Be confident but also be honest, with yourself. If you expect an extremely physically fit partner, you should probably anticipate that this person will expect you to be somewhat physically fit, as well.
  • Let’s be honest; first impressions are important. If you are stuck in a beauty rut, it’s time to enter a new phase, and that might mean a change in your skin care regime, a new hair color, or some new clothes. Glowing skin and a smile can work wonders!
  • Believe in yourself, and specifically, believe in the power of attraction. Feel confident that you will meet the person that is right for you.
  • Anticipate and expect that Mr. or Mrs. Right should cherish you. You deserve it.
  • Positive thoughts are important. However, you also have to take action. Make an effort to socialize and interact with a wider circle of persons. Enjoy a new hobby. Even if your new mate is not actually in your yoga class, he or she may be introduced to you via the new friend that you meet, stretching next to you.
  • If you meet others whose goals are incompatible with your own, drop them from your list of potential partners. If you want to meet a stable mate for marriage, and you happen to meet someone who is fun-loving and into bar-hopping , you can be friends with them- but do NOT think that you can change them.
  • Have fun with the process of dating until you meet your Mr. or Mrs. Right.
For more information, contact the Family Law Offices of Renee M. Marcelle at (415) 456-4444, or online at http://www.familylawmarin.com/ --

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